According to reliable sources, daughter of actor-producer Naga Babu and niece of Mega Star Chiranjeevi, Power Star Pawan Kalyan is going to be seen in a new avatar altogether. Niharika will soon be seen as a lead heroine on screen. Niharika has been passionate about acting and wants to be heroine. In fact, she anchored TV shows (D Juniors, Gupshup) and even acted in handful of short films. Considering her interest, father-actor Naga Babu has given consent for her to take big step.
Currently, Niharika is listening to a couple of scripts and keen on signing a big film on the dotted line soon. Even Naga Babu is listening to scripts. If he gives nod for the script, the movie would go onto floors soon. Daughter of Naga Babu and sister of Varun Tej, Niharika will soon be seen in the next level.
It's a rarity in Telugu film industry to encourage daughters of actors to take forward the acting legacy. Though in the past actresses like Supriya (from Akkineni clan), Lakshmi Manchu (daughter of Mohan Babu) tested their luck, they haven't proved themselves as successful heroines. But going by reports, Niharika is determined to be a game changer. Let's welcome Niharika, the new kid on the block.