Monday 7 September 2015

Hrithik Roshan and Priyanka Chopra photographed in Mumbai.

A manager is a celebrity's best friend - privy to the highs and lows, the public meltdowns and secret sorrows, the joys and awards.

So, if stardom is a generous mash up of ambition, talent, diligence and luck, an entourage with business acumen contributes immensely to this as well.

It is pleasantly surprising that most of this formidable battalion of managers comprises mainly women these days. We spoke to some of these business managers who are responsible for a lot of behind-the-scenes work for their celebrity clients.

Being a manager requires the efficiency, charm, dignity and discipline of a super-woman. I could not have asked for a better equipped mind than Anjali's to take care of my work needs - Hrithik Roshan

For Starters: As a child, I was always passionate about designs, fabrics and patterns. I had inner passion for styling, which made me pursue fashion designing. The thrill of showbiz always captivated me, and over time, I realised that I enjoyed celebrity management, and it was the career that made me happy.

Driving Force: The split-second decisions, going over the pros and cons, and choosing what is best for the actor are some of the great things about being a celebrity manager.

The Perks: Apart from working with big brands, the travelling excites me.

Boss or Friend: The best part of my job is being responsible for Hrithik Roshan. He's a brilliant actor and a major superstar in country.

A manager is someone who always has your back, and with Mrinaal, I have never had a moment of doubt about that for close to a decade. Girls... we run the world! - Priyanka Chopra

For Starters: I always wanted to get into a profession where tomorrow is different from yesterday. After my graduation, I got a job with a celebrity management firm and it's been 12 years already.

Driving Force: Everything or I wouldn't be in it for so long! It's been a long journey of learning and growing.

The Perks: Where can I start? You get to meet people, travel the world, taste that adrenaline rush while closing a deal, and become a part of a successful movie. Also, managing Priyanka for almost 10 years has given me the opportunity to interact with several international markets.

Boss or Friend: We spend so much time together that we have developed a kind of honesty. In fact, I'd say she's more like family than just a friend.

Ritika Nagpal - Anushka Sharma


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