This movie revolves around a popular modern Indian painter Arjun and his wife Chandrika. Arjun and Chandrika (Kamna Jethmalani) live their new married life happily. As a gift, Arjun buys a palace for his wife.
Twist in the tale arises when there was a connection between Arjun’s paintings and the ghost. Chandrika starts experiencing sacred and weird situations around her. In less time, she gets possessed by an evil spirit, which also keeps troubling Arjun.
Who is this evil spirit? What happens to Arjun and Chandrika forms the rest of the story.
Kamna Jethmalani is pretty decent in her role and showcases different expressions. All her scenes with the ghost are nice and impressed in a tough role. Arjun is pretty good in his role and brings a lot of relief whenever he comes on screen. Remaining characters are okay in their roles.
Plus Points:
Screenplay is nice
Actors performance made this movie a worth watch
Background music is superb