Bollywood superstar Salman Khan launched Sooraj Pancholi and Athiya Shetty with the flick ‘Hero’ which released last Friday. Mohanlal and Mahesh Babu, who are two of the big stars down South, took to twitter to congratulate the makers for the success.
Mahesh Babu: “Saw ‘hero ‘. Thanks to salman for giving the industry 2 promising stars Suraj Pancholi and Athiya shetty. Congratulations to the entire team ..a job well done”.
Mohanlal: “The Hero n Heroine of “HERO” has made the movie huge success..welcome to all newcomers…Let it be the beginning”.
In the opening weekend, ‘Hero’ collected Rs 21.20 crore (break-up: Fri 6.85 cr, Sat 6.62 cr, Sun 7.73 cr). Salman Khan expressed his happiness over the revenue and thanked everyone who have gone to watch his maiden production.