Friday, 25 September 2015

Video Footage Shows Unwilling Teenage Suicide Bomber Crying Before Blowing Himself -

This is the shocking video of an unwilling or a reluctant teenage boy who is getting ready to die within few minutes. The teenage suicide bomber was seen crying before carrying out his mission of blowing up himself. The incident took place in the Syrian villages of Fua and Kaffiyeh. The boy was identified as Jafar al-Tayyar who belongs to the Uzbek Imam Bukhari Jamaat militant group.
This militant group has links with Al Qaeda. Jafar al-Tayyar is seen emotionally hugging family and friends in the video. Tayyar who breaks down is seen encouraged by other men around him. The mission is to send the boy to university for the first time with armored tank and the explosives. Jafar, who is not old enough yet to grow a beard, is wearing a bullet-proof vest.
He gets into a giant explosive-packed armored vehicle. Jafar was seen crying and was afraid of giving his life. One of the jihadis says him that: “Jafar, my brother, don’t be afraid. When you are scared, remember Allah.” Jafar replies: “I’m just scared I won’t succeed.” He then raises his right index finger in the air – a gesture used by jihadis which mean “Allah is the highest”.
After few seconds, the video shows a massive bomb blasted into the air over the villages of Fua and Kaffiyeh. Jafar comes as one in 70 rebels trained by the US military in Turkey recently returned to Syria to fight alongside anti-ISIS forces. According to a report, if allegations are true it will refer the defected officer to a military trial on charges of treason.
teenage suicide bomber getting ready to blow himself


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