A big budgeted visual wonder Baahubali got screened for nearly 30 shows in Hyderabad's popular Prasad's Multiplex as per reports. Mahesh Babu's charisma helped Businessman to grab nearly 33 shows in a day. Being a debuting youngster, Akhil is neither a visual wonder yet, nor a super star, but still he got nearly 32 shows screening for release week at the same theatre compound. Though there is Salman Khan's Prem Ratan Dhan Payo in the race, that's not match for Akkineni kid's charisma at least in Telugu states.
Another report says that Akhil movie's release is going to be a tsunami with nearly 400 theatres allotted in Nizam alone for the release. Probably with no competition around, and Diwali being just a 1-day holiday festival, he managed to pull 400 odd theatres, while Baahubali has hit only in 360+ screens. In USA, Akhil is slated for a release in nearly 168 theatres. All in all, Akhil will get a might release in the likes of a Mahesh Babu and Ram Charan. This box-office release tsunami is going to show an effect on Akhil's collections for sure. If the film gets positive talk from First Day First Show, then it will help the youngster touch 10+ crores 'share' from Telugu states alone.
In case if the film gets an average and below talk, then the quick loss is going to be in the same acceleration. When the release is massive, negative talk will spread faster and that limits family audiences turning up on weekend. Akhil should hold a good talk during Thursday and Friday, two crucial days to survive until weekend. If the movie garners positive talk, then this long weekend could be considered as a boon to script history.